using WithFeedback
@withfb using Revise
using Revise … ✔ (1.9 s)
@withfb using GlobalMacros
@withfb using Units
using GlobalMacros … ✔
using Units … ✔
@withfb using PyPlot
@withfb using Sciplotlib
@withfb using PhDPlots
using PyPlot … ✔ (16.4 s)
using Sciplotlib … ✔ (11.1 s)
using PhDPlots … ✔
@withfb using Distributions
using Distributions … ✔ (1.5 s)
f(x) = cquantile(Poisson(x), 1E-14)
f (generic function with 1 method)
x = 1:10:(4*600)
g(x) = 300+1.05*x
Sciplotlib.plot(x, f.(x))
Sciplotlib.plot(x, g.(x));
x = 1:10:(4*60000)
all(f.(x) .< g.(x))
using Nto1AdEx
out = Nto1AdEx.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
PhDPlots.plotsig(out.V / mV, [0, 1000], ms);
@time Nto1AdEx.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
0.067683 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB, 21.20% gc time)
Measuring compilation time¶
re-pre-compiling the module
first time running the func
@time using Nto1AdEx
[ Info: Precompiling Nto1AdEx [368485ca-63bc-4029-854f-349d2205662c]
0.727026 seconds (195.55 k allocations: 13.672 MiB, 2.12% gc time, 26.00% compilation time: 19% of which was recompilation)
@time using Units
0.000880 seconds (377 allocations: 25.625 KiB)
@time Nto1AdEx.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
0.041351 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB, 27.28% gc time)
@time Nto1AdEx.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
0.039387 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB, 31.90% gc time)
:OOOOOO holy damn!
Changing laptop battery mode from ‘better battery’ to ‘best performance,
changes sim time from ~0.15 sec to 0.026 sec.
Gotta re-do Brian timings on ‘best performance’.
(Can change setting not only by clicking battery (which doesn’t always work 🙄), but also start > settings > power & bat > power mode.\ (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-the-power-mode-for-your-windows-pc-c2aff038-22c9-f46d-5ca0-78696fdf2de8#Category=Windows_11)
Hm, how can I trigger pkg recomp again? Maybe not using Revise (it’s too fast now, lol (when I add method or change a param).
Ok, that did it. (I restarted nb, didn’t load Revise). Then:
[ Info: Precompiling Nto1AdEx [368485ca-63bc-4029-854f-349d2205662c]
0.727026 seconds (195.55 k allocations: 13.672 MiB, 2.12% gc time, 26.00% compilation time: 19% of which was recompilation)
First run time of sim:
0.041351 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB, 27.28% gc time)
hm, is this cached?
After clearing C:\Users\tfiers\.julia\compiled\v1.9\Nto1AdEx
(had to stop this jl kernel)
@time using Nto1AdEx
[ Info: Precompiling Nto1AdEx [368485ca-63bc-4029-854f-349d2205662c]
0.679249 seconds (193.93 k allocations: 13.567 MiB, 1.45% gc time, 24.78% compilation time: 10% of which was recompilation)
@time using Units
0.000860 seconds (377 allocations: 25.625 KiB)
@time Nto1AdEx.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
0.037517 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB, 30.89% gc time)
@time Nto1AdEx.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
0.035507 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB, 28.18% gc time)
Ok. incredible.
Also, there’s just no compilation cost on first function call?
One last try: emptying module.
@time using Nto1AdEx
[ Info: Precompiling Nto1AdEx [368485ca-63bc-4029-854f-349d2205662c]
0.657741 seconds (193.18 k allocations: 13.418 MiB, 2.26% gc time, 27.71% compilation time: 9% of which was recompilation)
(This was precompiling an empty module (just commented out lines))
Restarting and nb and re-filling in:
(but adding a comment line to not hit cache, maybe)
@time using Nto1AdEx
[ Info: Precompiling Nto1AdEx [368485ca-63bc-4029-854f-349d2205662c]
0.693661 seconds (194.14 k allocations: 13.590 MiB, 1.51% gc time, 26.59% compilation time: 11% of which was recompilation)
What the hell? Mad? Is this real?
@time Nto1AdEx.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
0.038055 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB, 30.97% gc time)
Ok, one last test. A new module. Maybe here?
New module¶
module Nto1AdEx2
using GlobalMacros
using Units
using Random
@typed begin
# AdEx LIF neuron params (cortical RS)
C = 104 * pF
gₗ = 4.3 * nS
Eₗ = -65 * mV
Vₜ = -52 * mV
Δₜ = 0.8 * mV
Vₛ = 40 * mV
Vᵣ = -53 * mV
a = -0.8 * nS
b = 65 * pA
τw = 88 * ms
# Conductance-based synapses
Eₑ = 0 * mV
Eᵢ = -80 * mV
τg = 7 * ms
# Simulation timestep
Δt = 0.1 * ms
# Input firing rate distribution
μₓ = 4 * Hz
σ = sqrt(0.6)
μ = log(μₓ / Hz) - σ^2 / 2
const T = Float64
@kwdef mutable struct Neuron
V ::T = Eₗ
w ::T = 0 * pA
gₑ ::T = 0 * nS
gᵢ ::T = 0 * nS
DₜV ::T = 0 * mV/second
Dₜw ::T = 0 * pA/second
Dₜgₑ ::T = 0 * nS/second
Dₜgᵢ ::T = 0 * nS/second
# Calculate & store derivatives
f!(n::Neuron) = let (; V, w, gₑ, gᵢ) = n
# Synaptic current
Iₛ = gₑ*(V - Eₑ) + gᵢ*(V - Eᵢ)
# Diffeqs
n.DₜV = (-gₗ*(V - Eₗ) + gₗ*Δₜ*exp((V-Vₜ)/Δₜ) - Iₛ - w) / C
n.Dₜw = (a*(V - Eₗ) - w) / τw
n.Dₜgₑ = -gₑ / τg
n.Dₜgᵢ = -gᵢ / τg
eulerstep!(n::Neuron) = begin
n.V += n.DₜV * Δt
n.w += n.Dₜw * Δt
n.gₑ += n.Dₜgₑ * Δt
n.gᵢ += n.Dₜgᵢ * Δt
has_spiked(n::Neuron) = n.V > Vₛ
on_self_spike!(n::Neuron) = begin
n.V = Vᵣ
n.w += b
struct Spike
time ::Float64
source ::Int
Base.isless(x::Spike, y::Spike) = x.time < y.time
spikevec(src_id, times) = [Spike(t, src_id) for t in times]
multiplex(spiketrains) = begin
# Join spiketimes of different trains into one sorted stream of Spikes
spikevecs = [spikevec(i, times) for (i, times) in enumerate(spiketrains)]
spikes = reduce(vcat, spikevecs)
sim(N, duration, seed=1, wₑ=14*pS, wᵢ=4*wₑ) = begin
num_steps = round(Int, duration / Δt)
t = 0 * second
n = Neuron()
V = Vector{T}(undef, num_steps)
spiketimes = T[]
Nₑ = round(Int, N * 4/5)
rates = exp.(randn(N) .* σ .+ μ) .* Hz
trains = [poisson_spikes(r, duration) for r in rates]
spikes = multiplex(trains)
# Index to keep track of input spikes processed
j = 1
for i in 1:num_steps
# Process incoming spikes
while j < length(spikes) && spikes[j].time < t
# New spike arrival
spike = spikes[j]
if spike.source ≤ Nₑ
n.gₑ += wₑ
n.gᵢ += wᵢ
j += 1
# Update neuron state variables (calc & apply diffeqs)
if has_spiked(n)
push!(spiketimes, t)
V[i] = n.V
t += Δt
spikerate = length(spiketimes) / duration
return (; V, spiketimes, rates, trains, Nₑ, spikerate, wₑ)
WARNING: replacing module Nto1AdEx2.
@time using .Nto1AdEx2
0.000009 seconds (9 allocations: 416 bytes)
using Units
@time Nto1AdEx2.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
0.042777 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB, 23.99% gc time)
@time Nto1AdEx2.sim(6500, 10*seconds);
0.026069 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 31.572 MiB)
Absolute madness. Didn’t know Julia was this good here.