from brian2 import *
CPU times: total: 875 ms
Wall time: 2.03 s
!mkdir cpp
A subdirectory or file cpp already exists.
set_device('cpp_standalone', directory='cpp/1')
%run lib/neuron.py
importing mpl … ✔
importing brian … ✔
importing pandas … ✔
μₓ = 4 * Hz
σ = sqrt(0.6)
μ = log(μₓ / Hz) - σ**2 / 2
we = 14 * pS
wi = 4 * we
T = 10*second;
def Nto1_merged(N = 6500, Ne_simmed = 100, print_N=True):
Ni_simmed = Ne_simmed
Ne = N * 4//5
Ni = N - Ne
Ne_merged = Ne - Ne_simmed
Ni_merged = Ni - Ni_simmed
N_simmed = Ne_simmed + Ni_simmed
if print_N:
print(f"{Ne=}, {Ni=}, {N_simmed=}, {Ne_merged=}, {Ni_merged=}")
n = COBA_AdEx_neuron()
rates = lognormal(μ, σ, N_simmed) * Hz
P = PoissonGroup(N_simmed, rates)
Se = Synapses(P, n, on_pre="ge += we")
Si = Synapses(P, n, on_pre="gi += wi")
Se.connect("i < Ne_simmed")
Si.connect("i >= Ne_simmed")
PIe = PoissonInput(n, 'ge', Ne_merged, μₓ, we)
PIi = PoissonInput(n, 'gi', Ni_merged, μₓ, wi);
M = StateMonitor(n, ["V"], record=[0])
S = SpikeMonitor(n)
SP = SpikeMonitor(P)
objs = [n, P, Se, Si, PIe, PIi, M, S, SP]
return *objs, Network(objs)
*objs_m, net_m = Nto1_merged()
Ne=5200, Ni=1300, N_simmed=200, Ne_merged=5100, Ni_merged=1200
CPU times: total: 46.9 ms
Wall time: 376 ms
net_m.run(T, report='text')
CPU times: total: 93.8 ms
Wall time: 18.4 s
So, wall time of 23.4 seconds. That’s generating all the C++ etc files in ./output/, and then running.
We can get just the runtime by running the main ig (but that’s not useful irl ig, cause can’t change params w/o rebuilding (?)).
# ! output\\main.exe
(If run here, we get some IO errors).
But if run in sep terminal, we get no errors.
And.. “10 seconds simulated in < 1s”. Impressive!
Now with PIe and i included in net
total runtime 52.2 s.
main.exe: 1.9 seconds.
2023-08-14 (after deleting cpp/):
1.6 wall time for
61 s wall time for
0.898 s for
time ./main.exe
2023-08-15 (after deleting cpp/, and w/ CPU in best performance mode (not battery saver)):
0.376 wall time for
18.4 s wall time for
0.353 s for
time ./main.exe
Ah, we can actually change params w/o rebuilding everything:
you don’t need to recompile the entire project at each simulation. In the generated code, two consecutive simulations will only differ slightly (in this case only the tau parameter). The compiler will therefore only recompile the file that has changed and not the entire project
w/o PoissonInput merging¶
(Restarting nb and re-importing brian)
set_device('cpp_standalone', directory='cpp/2')
def Nto1_all_simmed(N = 6500):
Ne = N * 4//5
n = COBA_AdEx_neuron()
rates = lognormal(μ, σ, N) * Hz
P = PoissonGroup(N, rates)
Se = Synapses(P, n, on_pre="ge += we")
Si = Synapses(P, n, on_pre="gi += wi")
Se.connect("i < Ne")
Si.connect("i >= Ne")
M = StateMonitor(n, ["V"], record=[0])
S = SpikeMonitor(n)
SP = SpikeMonitor(P)
objs = [n, P, Se, Si, M, S, SP]
return *objs, Network(objs)
*objs, net = Nto1_all_simmed()
CPU times: total: 93.8 ms
Wall time: 123 ms
net.run(T, report='text')
CPU times: total: 125 ms
Wall time: 21.7 s
New run: 42.2 s total.
main.exe: 28.9 s (!)
2023-08-14 (after deleting cpp/):
0.67 wall time for
70 s wall time for
21.43 s for
time ./main.exe
2023-08-15 (after deleting cpp/, and w/ CPU in best performance mode (not battery saver)):
0.123 wall time for
21.7 s wall time for
6.50 s for
time ./main.exe
Multiple runs¶
set_device('cpp_standalone', directory='cpp/3')
from time import time
for j, we in enumerate([8, 14, 20] * pS):
print(f"Run {j+1} … ", end="")
t0 = time()
*objs, net = Nto1_merged(print_N=False)
net.run(T, report='text')
print(f"{time() - t0:.1f} s")
Run 1 … 23.1 s
Run 2 … 18.7 s
Run 3 … 24.5 s
So, no caching speedup.
(Same conclusion when running https://brian2.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples/multiprocessing.02_using_standalone.html: all all run_sim
call take 12 à 15 seconds).
ok, finally, to reconfirm, https://brian2.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples/multiprocessing.02_using_standalone.html with one proc.
(cause that text literally says: “The compiler will therefore only recompile the file that has changed and not the entire project”)
ye ok, there’s lil speedup:
8.6 s