2022-02-20 • Fixed timestep Euler solver in vanilla Julia

2022-02-20 • Fixed timestep Euler solver in vanilla Julia

i.e. no DifferentialEquations.jl.

Hopefully this achieves better performance.


# using Pkg; Pkg.resolve()
println("start"); flush(stdout)

using Revise

using Distributions
using MyToolbox
using VoltageToMap
println("setup done")  # feedback when running in terminal
setup done


@kwdef struct PoissonInputParams
    N_unconn  ::Int          = 100
    N_exc     ::Int          = 5200
    N_inh     ::Int          = N_exc ÷ 4
    N_conn    ::Int          = N_inh + N_exc
    N         ::Int          = N_conn + N_unconn
    spike_rate::Distribution = LogNormal_with_mean(4Hz, 0.6)  # (μₓ, σ)

const realistic_input = PoissonInputParams()
const slightly_smaller_input = PoissonInputParams(N_exc = 800)
const small_N__as_in_Python_2021 = PoissonInputParams(N_unconn = 9, N_exc = 17)
@kwdef struct SynapseParams
    g_t0     ::Float64   =     0   * nS
    τ_s      ::Float64   =     7   * ms
    E_exc    ::Float64   =     0   * mV
    E_inh    ::Float64   =  - 65   * mV
    Δg_exc   ::Float64   =     0.4 * nS
    Δg_inh   ::Float64   =     1.6 * nS

const semi_arbitrary_synaptic_params = SynapseParams();
@kwdef struct IzhNeuronParams
    v_t0     ::Float64   = - 80    * mV
    u_t0     ::Float64   =    0    * pA
    C        ::Float64   =  100    * pF
    k        ::Float64   =    0.7  * (nS/mV)     # steepness of dv/dt's parabola
    vr       ::Float64   = - 60    * mV          # resting v
    vt       ::Float64   = - 40    * mV          # ~spiking thr
    a        ::Float64   =    0.03 / ms          # reciprocal of `u`'s time constant
    b        ::Float64   = -  2    * nS          # how strongly `(v - vr)` increases `u`
    v_peak   ::Float64   =   35    * mV          # cutoff to define spike
    v_reset  ::Float64   = - 50    * mV          # ..on spike. `c` in Izh.
    Δu       ::Float64   =  100    * pA          # ..on spike. `d` in Izh. Free parameter.

const cortical_RS = IzhNeuronParams();
Base.@kwdef struct SimParams
    sim_duration  ::Float64            = 1.2 * seconds
    Δt            ::Float64            = 0.1 * ms
    poisson_input ::PoissonInputParams = realistic_input
    synapses      ::SynapseParams      = semi_arbitrary_synaptic_params
    izh_neuron    ::IzhNeuronParams    = cortical_RS
    Δg_multiplier ::Float64            = 1.0      # Free parameter, fiddled with until medium number of output spikes.


function sim(params::SimParams)

    @unpack sim_duration, Δt, Δg_multiplier                      = params
    @unpack N_unconn, N_exc, N_inh, N_conn, N, spike_rate        = params.poisson_input
    @unpack E_exc, E_inh, g_t0, τ_s, Δg_exc, Δg_inh              = params.synapses
    @unpack v_t0, u_t0, C, k, vr, vt, a, b, v_peak, v_reset, Δu  = params.izh_neuron

    input_neuron_IDs = idvec(conn = idvec(exc = N_exc, inh = N_inh), unconn = N_unconn)
    synapse_IDs      = idvec(exc = N_exc, inh = N_inh)
    simulated_vars   = idvec(t = nothing, v = nothing, u = nothing, g = similar(synapse_IDs))

    # Connections
    postsynapses = Dict{Int, Vector{Int}}()  # input_neuron_ID => [synapse_IDs...]
    for (n, s) in zip(input_neuron_IDs.conn, synapse_IDs)
        postsynapses[n] = [s]
    for n in input_neuron_IDs.unconn
        postsynapses[n] = []

    # Broadcast scalar parameters
    Δg = similar(synapse_IDs, Float64)
    Δg.exc .= Δg_multiplier * Δg_exc
    Δg.inh .= Δg_multiplier * Δg_inh
    E = similar(synapse_IDs, Float64)
    E.exc .= E_exc
    E.inh .= E_inh

    # Inter-spike—interval distributions
    λ = similar(input_neuron_IDs, Float64)
    λ .= rand(spike_rate, length(λ))
    β = 1 ./ λ
    ISI_distributions = Exponential.(β)
    first_input_spike_t = rand.(ISI_distributions)
    upcoming_input_spikes = PriorityQueue{Int, Float64}()
    for (neuron_ID, spike_t) in zip(input_neuron_IDs, first_input_spike_t)
        enqueue!(upcoming_input_spikes, neuron_ID => spike_t)
    next_input_spike_t = peek(upcoming_input_spikes).second  # (`.first` is neuron ID).

    # Initialize simulation vars and their derivatives
    vars = similar(simulated_vars, Float64)
    vars.t = zero(sim_duration)
    vars.v = v_t0
    vars.u = u_t0
    vars.g .= g_t0
    D = similar(vars)
    D.t = 1

    num_timesteps = round(Int, sim_duration / Δt)  # Fixed timestep
    v_rec = Vector{Float64}(undef, num_timesteps)
    input_spike_t_rec = similar(input_neuron_IDs, Vector{Float64})
    for i in eachindex(input_spike_t_rec)
        input_spike_t_rec[i] = Vector{Float64}()

    # package it all up
    p = (;
        vars, D, Δt, E, τ_s, Δg, params, v_rec, input_spike_t_rec,
        upcoming_input_spikes, ISI_distributions, postsynapses

    @showprogress 200ms for i in 1:num_timesteps
        v_rec[i] = vars.v

    return (
        t = linspace(zero(sim_duration), sim_duration, num_timesteps),
        v = v_rec,
        input_spikes = input_spike_t_rec
sim (generic function with 1 method)
function step!(p)
    @unpack vars, D, Δt, E, τ_s, Δg, input_spike_t_rec             = p
    @unpack upcoming_input_spikes, ISI_distributions, postsynapses = p
    @unpack t, v, u, g                                             = vars
    @unpack C, k, vr, vt, a, b, v_peak, v_reset, Δu                = p.params.izh_neuron

    # Sum synaptic currents
    I_s = zero(u)
    for (gi, Ei) in zip(g, E)
        I_s += gi * (v - Ei)

    # Differential equations
    D.v = (k * (v - vr) * (v - vt) - u - I_s) / C
    D.u = a * (b * (v - vr) - u)
    for i in eachindex(g)
        D.g[i] = -g[i] / τ_s

    # Euler integration
    @. vars += D * Δt

    # Izhikevich neuron spiking threshold
    if vars.v  v_peak
        vars.v = v_reset
        vars.u += Δu

    # Input spikes
    next_input_spike_t = peek(upcoming_input_spikes).second
    if t  next_input_spike_t
        fired_neuron = dequeue!(upcoming_input_spikes)
        push!(input_spike_t_rec[fired_neuron], t)
        for synapse in postsynapses[fired_neuron]
            g[synapse] += Δg[synapse]
        new_spike_time = t + rand(ISI_distributions[fired_neuron])
        enqueue!(upcoming_input_spikes, fired_neuron => new_spike_time)
step! (generic function with 2 methods)
println("defs done")
defs done
p = SimParams(poisson_input = small_N__as_in_Python_2021, Δg_multiplier = 7, sim_duration=1*minutes)
sim(p);  # to trigger compilation
Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
using Profile
p = SimParams(poisson_input = slightly_smaller_input,     Δg_multiplier = 1, sim_duration = 1*minutes)
  sim_duration: Float64 60.0
  Δt: Float64 0.0001
  poisson_input: PoissonInputParams
    N_unconn: Int64 100
    N_exc: Int64 800
    N_inh: Int64 200
    N_conn: Int64 1000
    N: Int64 1100
    spike_rate: LogNormal{Float64}
      μ: Float64 1.0862943611198905
      σ: Float64 0.7745966692414834
  synapses: SynapseParams
    g_t0: Float64 0.0
    τ_s: Float64 0.007
    E_exc: Float64 0.0
    E_inh: Float64 -0.065
    Δg_exc: Float64 4.0000000000000007e-10
    Δg_inh: Float64 1.6000000000000003e-9
  izh_neuron: IzhNeuronParams
    v_t0: Float64 -0.08
    u_t0: Float64 0.0
    C: Float64 1.0e-10
    k: Float64 7.0e-7
    vr: Float64 -0.06
    vt: Float64 -0.04
    a: Float64 30.0
    b: Float64 -2.0e-9
    v_peak: Float64 0.035
    v_reset: Float64 -0.05
    Δu: Float64 1.0e-10
  Δg_multiplier: Float64 1.0
t, v, input_spikes = @time sim(p);
Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:02
  2.628588 seconds (2.11 M allocations: 68.386 MiB, 0.76% gc time)
num_spikes = length.(input_spikes)
ComponentVector{Int64}(conn = (exc = [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2  …  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], inh = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1  …  0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0]), unconn = [0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1  …  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1])


# import PyPlot
# using Sciplotlib
""" tzoom = [200ms, 600ms] e.g. """
function plotsig(t, sig, tzoom = nothing)
    isnothing(tzoom) && (tzoom = t[[1, end]])
    izoom = first(tzoom) .≤ t .≤ last(tzoom)
    plot(t[izoom], sig[izoom]; clip_on=false)
# plotsig(t, v / mV);
# plotsig(t, v / mV, [200ms,400ms]);