2020-07-05 • Izhikevich paper testing

This notebook includes interactive widgets: sliders to play with the arguments of a function and see the effect in a live updated plot. These won’t work in the browser. You can make them work when executing the notebook (in the cloud or locally). For that Jupyter Widgets (aka ipywidgets) needs to be installed in the notebook execution environment.


%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = 'last_expr_or_assign'
import sympy as sym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact, interact_manual

n(t) for \(\dot{V}=0\) (testing SymPy)

tau, n_inf, t = sym.symbols('τ, n_\infty, t')
n = sym.Function('n')(t)
\[\displaystyle n{\left(t \right)}\]
ndot = n.diff(t)
\[\displaystyle \frac{d}{d t} n{\left(t \right)}\]
V_nullcline__n = sym.Eq(ndot, (n_inf - n)/tau)
\[\displaystyle \frac{d}{d t} n{\left(t \right)} = \frac{n_{\infty} - n{\left(t \right)}}{τ}\]
\[\displaystyle n{\left(t \right)} = C_{1} e^{- \frac{t}{τ}} + n_{\infty}\]

n(V) for \(\dot{V} = 0\)

def plot(V_1_2, k, I, g_L, E_L, g_Na, E_Na, g_K, E_K):
    def m_inf(V):
        return 1/(1+np.exp((V_1_2-V)/k))

    def n(V):
        num = I - g_L*(V-E_L) - g_Na*m_inf(V)*(V-E_Na)
        denom = g_K*(V-E_K)
        return num/denom

    V = np.linspace(-100, 70, 1000)
    plt.plot(V, n(V))
    plt.xlabel('V (mV)')


  • Voltages in mV

  • Conductances in mS

    V_1_2 = 1.5,
    k = 16,
    I = 0,
    g_L = 19,
    E_L = -67,
    g_Na = 74,
    E_Na = 80,  #60
    g_K = 10,
    E_K = -120,  #-90

Simulate Izhikevich neuron

Units are pF, mV, ms, and pA.
(a is in 1/ms).

def izh_neuron(C, k, v_r, v_t, v_peak, a, b, c, d, I):
    dv_dt = lambda v,u: (k*(v-v_r)*(v-v_t) - u + I)/C
    du_dt = lambda v,u: a*(b*(v-v_r) - u)

    v_t0 = v_r
    u_t0 = 0

    T = 1000
    dt = 0.1

    N = round(T/dt)  # number of simulation steps
    v = np.ones(N) * v_t0
    u = np.ones(N) * u_t0
    for i in range(N-1):
        v[i+1] = v[i] + dt * dv_dt(v[i], u[i])
        u[i+1] = u[i] + dt * du_dt(v[i], u[i])
        if v[i+1] >= v_peak:
            v[i] = v_peak
            v[i+1] = c
            u[i+1] = u[i+1] + d

    t = np.linspace(0, T, N)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(t, v);
    ax.set(xlabel="t (ms)", ylabel="V (mV)", ylim=[-75, 30])
cortical_RS = dict(C=100, k=0.7, v_r=-60, v_t=-40, v_peak=35, a=0.03, b=-2, c=-50, d=100)
cortical_IB = dict(C=150, k=1.2, v_r=-75, v_t=-45, v_peak=35, a=0.01, b= 5, c=-56, d=130)
cortical_CH = dict(C= 50, k=1.5, v_r=-60, v_t=-40, v_peak=25, a=0.03, b= 1, c=-40, d=150)

interact(izh_neuron, I=60, **cortical_RS);