2023-02-07 • [input] to ‘AdEx Nto1’
2023-02-07 • [input] to ‘AdEx Nto1’¶
Distilation of 2023-01-19 • Fit-a-line
winsize = 100; # first 10 ms
function windows(v, times, Δt, winsize)
# Assuming that times occur in [0, T)
win_starts = floor.(Int, times / Δt) .+ 1
wins = Vector{Vector{eltype(v)}}()
for a in win_starts
b = a + winsize - 1
if b ≤ lastindex(v)
push!(wins, v[a:b])
return wins
windows(i_sim, spiketimes) = windows(
windows(i_sim, i_input::Int) = windows(i_sim, spiketimes(inps[i_sim].inputs[i_input]));
# check for type inferrability
# st = spiketimes(inp.inputs[1])
# @code_warntype windows(vrec(sim), st, Δt, winsize)
# ok ✔
# @time wins = windows(1, 1);
# println()
# print(Base.summary(wins))
Now to make the data matrix
Data matrix¶
We’ll fit slope and intercept. So each datapoint, each row of X, is [1, t]
function build_Xy(windows, timepoints = 1:100)
T = eltype(eltype(windows))
N = length(windows) * length(timepoints)
X = Matrix{T}(undef, N, 2)
y = Vector{T}(undef, N)
i = 1
for win in windows
for (tᵢ, yᵢ) in zip(timepoints, win[timepoints])
X[i,:] .= [1, tᵢ]
y[i] = yᵢ
i += 1
@assert i == N + 1
return (X, y)
# @time X, y = build_Xy(wins);
# check for type inferrability
# @code_warntype build_Xy(wins, 1:100)
# ok ✔
# size(X)
# size(y)
Plot some windows¶
# ts = @view X[:,2]
# sel = 1:10000
# plot(ts[sel]*Δt/ms, y[sel]/mV, ".", alpha=0.1);
# Ny = length(y)
3M datapoints (one connection, 10 minutes recording)
# sel = 1:100_000
# plot(
# ts[sel]*Δt/ms,
# y[sel]/mV,
# ".";
# alpha = 0.01,
# ylim = [-50, -40], # mV
# clip_on = true,
# );
(Not very informative)
Use as conntest¶
# inh_neurons = Nₑ+1:N
# niᵢ = Nₑ + argmax(actual_spike_rates[inh_neurons])
# actual_spike_rates[niᵢ] / Hz
Fit straight line to first 100 ms of
windows cut out of output neuron's voltage signal,
aligned to given times `z`
(or spiketimes of input neuron w/ index `z`).
(for simulation index iₛ)
fitwins(z, iₛ=i) = begin
wins = windows(iₛ, z)
X, y = build_Xy(wins)
β̂ = vec(X \ y)
ŷ = X * β̂
ε̂ = y .- ŷ
return (;
X, y, β̂,
intercept = β̂[1] / mV, # in mV
slope = β̂[2] / mV / Δt, # in mV/second
predictions = ŷ,
residuals = ε̂,
# check for type inferrability
# @code_warntype fitwins(niᵢ)
# ok ✔
# @time fitwins(niᵢ).slope
spiketimes(i::Int) = spiketimes(inp.inputs[i])
# stₑ = spiketimes(niₑ)
# @time fitwins(shuffle_ISIs(stₑ)).slope
using Distributions
function htest(fit)
(; X, y, β̂) = fit
n = length(y)
p = 2 # Num params
dof = n - p
ε̂ = fit.residuals
s² = ε̂' * ε̂ / dof
Q = inv(X' * X)
σ̂β₂ = √(s² * Q[2,2])
t = β̂[2] / σ̂β₂
𝒩 = Normal(0, 1)
pval = cdf(𝒩, -abs(t)) + ccdf(𝒩, abs(t))
noise_mV = √s² / mV
return (; t, pval, noise_mV)
# htest(fitt)
# @time htest(fitt);
That’s fast :)
function conntest(z; α = 0.05)
fit = fitwins(z)
test = htest(fit)
if test.pval < α
predtype = (fit.slope > 0 ? :exc : :inh)
predtype = :unconn
return (;
# conntest(niₑ)
# conntest(niᵢ)
Let’s try on shuffled spiketrains
# shuffled(ni) = shuffle_ISIs(spiketimes(ni));
# conntest(shuffled(niₑ))
# DataFrame(conntest(shuffled(niₑ)) for _ in 1:10)
Ok this is similar as in prev instantiation of this notebook / prev sim.
(The three unconns above were thus lucky).
Proper eval¶
I didn’t sim a 100 unconnected spikers, as before.
So we can’t use that for an FPR estimate.
But we can shuffle some real spiketrains to get sth similar.
Let’s draw from all, so there’s a mix of spikerates.
# ids = sample(1:N, 100, replace=true)
# unconnected_trains = shuffle_ISIs.(spiketimes.(ids));
Our perftable
expects a dataframe with :predtype and :conntype columns
# inh_neurons
# real_spiketrains = spiketimes.(1:N);
# all_spiketrains = [real_spiketrains; unconnected_trains];
conntype(i) =
if i < Nₑ
conntype = :exc
elseif i ≤ N
conntype = :inh
conntype = :unconn
makerow(i; α=0.001) = begin
spikes = all_spiketrains[i]
test = conntest(spikes; α)
(; conntype = conntype(i), test...)
# @time makerow(1)
0.075884 seconds (312.28 k allocations: 68.547 MiB)
(conntype = :exc, slope = 17.9, pval = 0.000771, predtype = :exc)
# @time makerow(6600)
0.077716 seconds (236.50 k allocations: 51.938 MiB)
(conntype = :unconn, slope = 11.6, pval = 0.0702, predtype = :unconn)
conntest_all() = @showprogress map(makerow, eachindex(all_spiketrains));
# rows = cached(conntest_all, [], key="2023-01-19__Fit-a-line");
# df = DataFrame(rows)
# df |> disp(20)
Row | conntype | slope | pval | predtype |
Symbol | Float64 | Float64 | Symbol | |
1 | exc | 17.9 | 0.000771 | exc |
2 | exc | 32.2 | 1.31E-08 | exc |
3 | exc | -18.1 | 0.000375 | inh |
4 | exc | 45.4 | 5.06E-08 | exc |
5 | exc | -46.1 | 4.47E-07 | inh |
6 | exc | -8.75 | 0.0415 | unconn |
7 | exc | -28.8 | 0.000224 | inh |
8 | exc | 6.1 | 0.279 | unconn |
9 | exc | 10.1 | 0.167 | unconn |
10 | exc | -25.8 | 5.28E-06 | inh |
11 | exc | -11.8 | 0.156 | unconn |
12 | exc | -19.1 | 2.65E-09 | inh |
13 | exc | -10.7 | 0.0209 | unconn |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
6589 | unconn | 8.59 | 0.144 | unconn |
6590 | unconn | -2.19 | 0.727 | unconn |
6591 | unconn | -15 | 0.0281 | unconn |
6592 | unconn | 23.8 | 1.56E-10 | exc |
6593 | unconn | 24.4 | 0.00157 | unconn |
6594 | unconn | 9.96 | 0.309 | unconn |
6595 | unconn | -4.63 | 0.101 | unconn |
6596 | unconn | 131 | 1.65E-29 | exc |
6597 | unconn | -16.5 | 1.81E-07 | inh |
6598 | unconn | -27.9 | 1.36E-06 | inh |
6599 | unconn | 0.594 | 0.932 | unconn |
6600 | unconn | 11.6 | 0.0702 | unconn |
# perftable(df)
Tested connections: 6600 | ||||||
┌─────── | Real type | ───────┐ | Precision | |||
unconn | exc | inh | ||||
┌ | unconn | 66 | 3177 | 706 | 2% | |
Predicted type | exc | 20 | 1259 | 120 | 90% | |
└ | inh | 14 | 763 | 475 | 38% | |
Sensitivity | 66% | 24% | 37% |
(Code should be written / dug up to sweep threshold i.e. get AUC scores etc, but):
At this arbitrary ‘α’ = 0.001:
FPR: 34%
TPRₑ: 24%
TPRᵢ: 37%