2022-08-21 • Area under STA (new conntest)
2022-08-21 • Area under STA (new conntest)¶
using Revise
using MyToolbox
using VoltoMapSim
[ Info: Precompiling VoltoMapSim [f713100b-c48c-421a-b480-5fcb4c589a9e]
Based on Roxin; same as previous nb’s.
d = 6
p = get_params(
duration = 10minutes,
p_conn = 0.04,
g_EE = 1 / d,
g_EI = 18 / d,
g_IE = 36 / d,
g_II = 31 / d,
ext_current = Normal(-0.5 * pA/√seconds, 5 * pA/√seconds),
E_inh = -80 * mV,
record_v = [1, 801],
New connection test statistic¶
ii = s.input_info[1];
using PyPlot
[ Info: Precompiling Sciplotlib [61be95e5-9550-4d5f-a203-92a5acbc3116]
using VoltoMapSim.Plot
plotSTA(ii.v, ii.spiketrains.conn.inh[1], p);
sta = calc_STA(ii.v, ii.spiketrains.conn.inh[1], p);
t = sum(sta .- sta[1]);
What are the units? Sum of: voltage * dt.
So units are volt·second. But I’d had to add the dt to every term.
I can do afterwards.
dt = p.sim.general.Δt;
t * dt / (mV * ms)
(Estimate from graph for how big this should be: approx 0.5 mV difference, times 40 ms or so. So 20 mV·ms. Sure). How much is above and below?
sig = (sta .- sta[1]) * dt / (mV*ms)
above = sum(sig[sig .> 0])
below = sum(sig[sig .< 0])
above, below
(9, -12.5)
Nice, so yes units seem right.
How to name this measure.
It’s area under STA, referenced to STA at t=0.
Area over start.
Just area
is quite nice.
Adding this to misc.jl
area(STA) = sum(STA .- STA[1]);
Compare performance¶
..between test measures: existing (peak-to-peak) and the new.
p0 = p;
pn = (@set p.conntest.STA_test_statistic = "area");
cached_conntest_perf = VoltoMapSim.cached_conntest_perf;
perf0 = cached_conntest_perf(1, ii.v, ii.spiketrains, p0);
(TPR_exc = 0.154, TPR_inh = 1, FPR = 0.15)
perfn = cached_conntest_perf(1, ii.v, ii.spiketrains, pn);
Testing connections: 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:24
Saving output at `C:\Users\tfiers\.phdcache\datamodel v2 (net)\evaluate_conntest_perf\51a268c55a44be7a.jld2` … done (4.5 s)
(TPR_exc = 0, TPR_inh = 0.8, FPR = 0.175)
Aha! It seems significantly worse than peak-to-peak (for this sim, this neuron).
Thing left to do is, use this to determine whether a presynaptic neuron is excitatory or inhibitory (now we’re cheating and presupposing that knowledge in the conntest perf eval).
I think it’s gonna make the performance way worse.
First, let’s redo the test for the inhibitory recorded neuron.
ii_inh = s.input_info[801];
perf0 = cached_conntest_perf(801, ii_inh.v, ii_inh.spiketrains, p0);
Testing connections: 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:20
Saving output at `C:\Users\tfiers\.phdcache\datamodel v2 (net)\evaluate_conntest_perf\6a503ee8521e347c.jld2` … done
(TPR_exc = 0.714, TPR_inh = 0.9, FPR = 0.05)
perfn = cached_conntest_perf(801, ii_inh.v, ii_inh.spiketrains, pn);
Testing connections: 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:21
Saving output at `C:\Users\tfiers\.phdcache\datamodel v2 (net)\evaluate_conntest_perf\352d0f0ba159fa0b.jld2` … done
(TPR_exc = 0.381, TPR_inh = 0.7, FPR = 0.1)
Again, signifcantly worse performance.
Use area
for deciding exc or inh¶
This was the original motivation for this measure.
Our current test_connection
returns a p-value based on peak-to-peak. It only says whether it thinks the presynaptic neuron is connected, not what type it is.
We’ll add the area
for that:
function test_connection_and_type(v, spikes, p)
pval = test_connection(v, spikes, p)
dt = p.sim.general.Δt
A = area(calc_STA(v, spikes, p)) * dt / (mV*ms)
if pval ≥ p.evaluation.α
predicted_type = :unconn
elseif A > 0
predicted_type = :exc
predicted_type = :inh
return (; predicted_type, pval, area_over_start=A)
test_connection_and_type(ii.v, ii.spiketrains.conn.inh[1], p)
(predicted_type = :inh, pval = 0.01, area_over_start = -3.55)
Performance optimization sidebar¶
@time test_connection_and_type(ii.v, ii.spiketrains.conn.inh[1], p)
0.853824 seconds (1.35 k allocations: 22.599 MiB)
(predicted_type = :inh, pval = 0.01, area = -3.55)
Sidenote, shuffle connection test takes a while. Profiling shows that almost all time is spent in the calc_STA
addition loop.
STA .+= @view VI_sig[a:b]
Doesn’t seem much more optimizable.
Wait, that broadcasting .
is not necessary. Let’s see what perf is without.
@time test_connection_and_type(ii.v, ii.spiketrains.conn.inh[1], p)
5.284591 seconds (720.96 k allocations: 5.469 GiB, 20.00% gc time)
(predicted_type = :inh, pval = 0.01, area = -3.55)
Huh, perf is worse with it, and way more allocations. Weird. Revert.
Trying with manual for loop (and @inbounds
this made a type instability problem apparent (manual loop super slow. → @code_warntype
. much red. problem was that Δt not inferred (cause simtype abstract). manually adding type made manual loop fast; and the prev, non manual loop also faster :))
Yes good, the new profile now also shows that the majority of time is spent in float:+
, as it should be.
Now testing whether sim itself suffers from this same type instability problem..
# pshort = (@set p.sim.general.duration = 1*seconds);
# @code_warntype VoltoMapSim.init_sim(pshort.sim);
# state = VoltoMapSim.init_sim(pshort.sim);
#@code_warntype VoltoMapSim.step_sim!(state, pshort.sim, 1);
It doesn’t. Type known-ness (“stability”) seems good enough.
Back on topic¶
Now use the new test_connection_and_type
in a reworked eval_conntest_perf
using DataFrames
# @cached key=[:m,:p] (
function evaluate_conntest_perf_v2(s, m, p)
# s = augmented simdata
# m = postsynaptic neuron ID
@unpack N_tested_presyn, rngseed = p.evaluation;
function get_IDs_labels(IDs, label)
N = min(length(IDs), N_tested_presyn)
IDs_sample = sample(IDs, N, replace = false, ordered = true)
return zip(IDs_sample, fill(label, N))
ii = s.input_info[m]
IDs_labels = chain(
get_IDs_labels(ii.exc_inputs, :exc),
get_IDs_labels(ii.inh_inputs, :inh),
get_IDs_labels(ii.unconnected_neurons, :unconn),
tested_neurons = DataFrame(
input_neuron_ID = Int[], # global ID
real_type = Symbol[], # :unconn, :exc, :inh
predicted_type = Symbol[], # idem
pval = Float64[],
area_over_start = Float64[],
@showprogress (every = 400ms) "Testing connections: " (
for (n, label) in collect(IDs_labels) # `collect` necessary somehow
test_result = test_connection_and_type(ii.v, s.spike_times[n], p)
row = (input_neuron_ID = n, real_type = label, test_result...)
push!(tested_neurons, Dict(pairs(row)))
tn = tested_neurons
det_rate(t) = count((tn.real_type .== t) .& (tn.predicted_type .== t)) / count(tn.real_type .== t)
detection_rates = (
TPR_exc = det_rate(:exc),
TPR_inh = det_rate(:inh),
FPR = 1 - det_rate(:unconn),
return (; tested_neurons, detection_rates)
# end)
cached_eval(s, m, p) = cached(evaluate_conntest_perf_v2, [s, m, p], key = [m, p]);
Aside: @cached macro wish.
Also generates a $(funcname)_uncached.
So here: evaluate_conntest_perf_uncached
# @profview evaluate_conntest_perf_v2(s, 1, p);
Testing connections: 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:32
^ Most time spent in the +
and the setindex
of the calc_STA
(A bit also in shuffle_ISIs
(Could speed up a bit maybe by having STA on the stack – prob using StaticArrays.jl – to save that setindex
Though wouldn’t be major, as most time is still spent in float +
). Another thing to try is @fastmath
IEEE rules relaxing, to speed up the +
testeval = cached_eval(s, 1, p);
Testing connections: 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:25
Saving output at `C:\Users\tfiers\.phdcache\datamodel v2 (net)\evaluate_conntest_perf_v2\b8c53748899be8e2.jld2` … done (6.9 s)
ENV["LINES"] = 100
(TPR_exc = 0, TPR_inh = 1, FPR = 0.125)
Comparison with before, when we didn’t predict the type (just connected or not) (from 2022-07-05__Network-conntest
(TPR_exc = 0.154, TPR_inh = 1, FPR = 0.15)
The exc performance drops to zero. This is because all previously detected exc inputs are still detected, but classified as inhibitory, as seen in the below table.
The FPR rate is different because we now take a random sample of unconnected neurons to test (before, we took the first 40).
76 rows × 5 columns
input_neuron_ID | real_type | predicted_type | pval | area_over_start | |
Int64 | Symbol | Symbol | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 312 | exc | unconn | 0.51 | 11.3 |
2 | 565 | exc | unconn | 0.61 | 7.25 |
3 | 681 | exc | unconn | 0.55 | 6.58 |
4 | 597 | exc | inh | 0.02 | -37.9 |
5 | 447 | exc | unconn | 0.68 | 1.42 |
6 | 766 | exc | unconn | 0.46 | -7.55 |
7 | 132 | exc | unconn | 0.54 | -20.9 |
8 | 139 | exc | unconn | 0.91 | -22.8 |
9 | 446 | exc | unconn | 0.34 | -27.5 |
10 | 194 | exc | unconn | 0.37 | -31 |
11 | 710 | exc | unconn | 0.63 | -38.1 |
12 | 352 | exc | unconn | 0.11 | -19.9 |
13 | 11 | exc | inh | 0.01 | -12.2 |
14 | 418 | exc | inh | 0.03 | -21 |
15 | 101 | exc | unconn | 0.88 | -1.2 |
16 | 629 | exc | unconn | 0.36 | 9.04 |
17 | 145 | exc | unconn | 0.47 | -27.5 |
18 | 303 | exc | unconn | 0.05 | -20 |
19 | 169 | exc | unconn | 0.68 | 1.38 |
20 | 66 | exc | unconn | 0.72 | -21.2 |
21 | 70 | exc | unconn | 0.94 | -0.564 |
22 | 800 | exc | unconn | 0.72 | -39.6 |
23 | 516 | exc | unconn | 0.33 | -28 |
24 | 136 | exc | inh | 0.02 | -55.5 |
25 | 33 | exc | unconn | 0.86 | -35.5 |
26 | 337 | exc | unconn | 0.56 | -88.9 |
27 | 988 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -3.55 |
28 | 894 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -56.7 |
29 | 902 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -59 |
30 | 928 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -70.6 |
31 | 914 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -52.1 |
32 | 831 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -7.06 |
33 | 897 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -72 |
34 | 829 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -29.4 |
35 | 908 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -63.8 |
36 | 922 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -33.7 |
37 | 23 | unconn | unconn | 0.94 | -4.49 |
38 | 25 | unconn | unconn | 0.75 | 14.4 |
39 | 86 | unconn | unconn | 0.11 | -35.3 |
40 | 113 | unconn | inh | 0.03 | -33.1 |
41 | 197 | unconn | unconn | 0.52 | -11.8 |
42 | 227 | unconn | unconn | 0.84 | -9.01 |
43 | 230 | unconn | unconn | 0.36 | -1.34 |
44 | 262 | unconn | unconn | 0.45 | -5.2 |
45 | 269 | unconn | unconn | 0.23 | -32.9 |
46 | 323 | unconn | unconn | 0.08 | -10.5 |
47 | 332 | unconn | unconn | 0.14 | -15.5 |
48 | 367 | unconn | unconn | 0.96 | -18.6 |
49 | 394 | unconn | unconn | 0.3 | -10.7 |
50 | 410 | unconn | unconn | 0.37 | 1.49 |
51 | 424 | unconn | unconn | 0.12 | -31.5 |
52 | 439 | unconn | unconn | 0.78 | -39.4 |
53 | 460 | unconn | unconn | 0.17 | -2.35 |
54 | 487 | unconn | unconn | 0.88 | 1.33 |
55 | 499 | unconn | unconn | 0.43 | -13.4 |
56 | 521 | unconn | unconn | 0.85 | 1.62 |
57 | 537 | unconn | unconn | 0.14 | -20.3 |
58 | 547 | unconn | unconn | 0.23 | -35.3 |
59 | 599 | unconn | inh | 0.02 | -48.4 |
60 | 612 | unconn | unconn | 0.22 | -19.7 |
61 | 646 | unconn | unconn | 0.58 | -0.319 |
62 | 669 | unconn | unconn | 0.73 | -4.47 |
63 | 702 | unconn | unconn | 0.3 | -26.1 |
64 | 722 | unconn | unconn | 0.11 | -1.35 |
65 | 768 | unconn | unconn | 0.08 | -10.7 |
66 | 790 | unconn | unconn | 0.18 | -24.8 |
67 | 813 | unconn | unconn | 0.14 | 1.73 |
68 | 821 | unconn | unconn | 0.44 | -0.367 |
69 | 842 | unconn | exc | 0.03 | 2.01 |
70 | 843 | unconn | unconn | 0.23 | -10.6 |
71 | 875 | unconn | inh | 0.01 | -7.61 |
72 | 882 | unconn | unconn | 0.18 | -15.8 |
73 | 896 | unconn | unconn | 0.58 | -19.3 |
74 | 921 | unconn | exc | 0.01 | 5.07 |
75 | 956 | unconn | unconn | 0.06 | -18.9 |
76 | 977 | unconn | unconn | 0.49 | -10.1 |
Inhibitory postsynaptic neuron¶
Now test input connections to the recorded inhibitory neuron:
te_inh = cached_eval(s, 801, p);
Testing connections: 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:21
Saving output at `C:\Users\tfiers\.phdcache\datamodel v2 (net)\evaluate_conntest_perf_v2\e828a750d5830742.jld2` … done
(TPR_exc = 0.619, TPR_inh = 0.8, FPR = 0.075)
Comparison with before, as above:
(TPR_exc = 0.714, TPR_inh = 0.9, FPR = 0.05)
Results per neuron below.
The area_over_start
seems to work: exc is mostly positive (and thus predicted as exc), and vice versa for inhibitory/negative.
71 rows × 5 columns
input_neuron_ID | real_type | predicted_type | pval | area_over_start | |
Int64 | Symbol | Symbol | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 544 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 156 |
2 | 345 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 41.6 |
3 | 468 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 74.1 |
4 | 206 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 147 |
5 | 689 | exc | unconn | 0.47 | 16.3 |
6 | 251 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 87.9 |
7 | 67 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 37.1 |
8 | 540 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 0.983 |
9 | 331 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 70.3 |
10 | 603 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 16.6 |
11 | 696 | exc | unconn | 0.07 | 31.2 |
12 | 693 | exc | inh | 0.04 | -10.8 |
13 | 47 | exc | unconn | 0.37 | 54.6 |
14 | 533 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 190 |
15 | 513 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 89.5 |
16 | 639 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 68.5 |
17 | 615 | exc | exc | 0.01 | 37.6 |
18 | 55 | exc | inh | 0.01 | -26.8 |
19 | 215 | exc | unconn | 0.06 | 65.5 |
20 | 411 | exc | unconn | 0.82 | 45.2 |
21 | 662 | exc | unconn | 0.12 | -62.9 |
22 | 826 | inh | unconn | 0.63 | -19.9 |
23 | 846 | inh | exc | 0.01 | 2.51 |
24 | 815 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -31.6 |
25 | 937 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -60.7 |
26 | 972 | inh | inh | 0.02 | -10.4 |
27 | 857 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -112 |
28 | 874 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -43.1 |
29 | 981 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -49.9 |
30 | 971 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -26.3 |
31 | 896 | inh | inh | 0.01 | -65.8 |
32 | 14 | unconn | unconn | 0.07 | -21.8 |
33 | 65 | unconn | unconn | 0.22 | 70.9 |
34 | 76 | unconn | unconn | 0.92 | 19.3 |
35 | 172 | unconn | unconn | 0.05 | 18.3 |
36 | 179 | unconn | unconn | 0.56 | -52.1 |
37 | 199 | unconn | unconn | 0.62 | -39.1 |
38 | 201 | unconn | unconn | 0.5 | -2.87 |
39 | 258 | unconn | unconn | 0.87 | -47.2 |
40 | 283 | unconn | unconn | 0.11 | 29.7 |
41 | 357 | unconn | inh | 0.01 | -7.26 |
42 | 385 | unconn | inh | 0.01 | -38.2 |
43 | 387 | unconn | unconn | 0.94 | -105 |
44 | 418 | unconn | unconn | 0.17 | -42 |
45 | 424 | unconn | unconn | 0.96 | -0.523 |
46 | 473 | unconn | unconn | 0.33 | 37.7 |
47 | 482 | unconn | unconn | 0.57 | 81.1 |
48 | 514 | unconn | unconn | 0.76 | 21.5 |
49 | 541 | unconn | unconn | 0.8 | -37.1 |
50 | 556 | unconn | unconn | 0.21 | 9.93 |
51 | 568 | unconn | unconn | 0.81 | -37.8 |
52 | 582 | unconn | unconn | 0.32 | -19.5 |
53 | 600 | unconn | unconn | 0.16 | -53.8 |
54 | 627 | unconn | unconn | 0.7 | 25.6 |
55 | 638 | unconn | exc | 0.01 | 29 |
56 | 659 | unconn | unconn | 0.66 | -26.1 |
57 | 675 | unconn | unconn | 0.14 | -83.3 |
58 | 684 | unconn | unconn | 0.65 | -1.37 |
59 | 734 | unconn | unconn | 0.4 | -88.9 |
60 | 746 | unconn | unconn | 0.89 | 5.16 |
61 | 777 | unconn | unconn | 0.55 | 105 |
62 | 798 | unconn | unconn | 0.14 | 14.4 |
63 | 830 | unconn | unconn | 0.24 | -9.23 |
64 | 848 | unconn | unconn | 0.38 | -1.16 |
65 | 889 | unconn | unconn | 0.79 | -6.18 |
66 | 909 | unconn | unconn | 0.25 | -18.2 |
67 | 927 | unconn | unconn | 0.08 | -20.9 |
68 | 934 | unconn | unconn | 0.43 | -30.4 |
69 | 952 | unconn | unconn | 0.45 | -20.4 |
70 | 953 | unconn | unconn | 0.74 | -25.5 |
71 | 964 | unconn | unconn | 0.25 | -10.9 |
We missclassify an inhibitory input as excitatory because it’s “area over start” is positive. What does the STA look like?
plotSTA(s.signals[801].v, s.spike_times[846], p);
Looks nicely downwards..
area(calc_STA(s.signals[801].v, s.spike_times[846], p))
But the area-over-start is indeed positive.
Could be remedied with a shorter STA window length.
For comparison, the STA of a correctly identified inh input:
plotSTA(s.signals[801].v, s.spike_times[815], p);
Looks very similar (the relative height of the positive and negative bumps).
The problem (the difference) is at t0.
Unrelated question (on previous results): Why are exc input STA’s on inh good, but on exc neurons so bad?