%run lib/neuron.py
importing mpl … ✔
importing brian … ✔
importing pandas … ✔
Cython cache warmup¶
# From tut nb 1
tau = 10*ms
eqs = '''
dv/dt = (1-v)/tau : 1
G = NeuronGroup(1, eqs)
INFO No numerical integration method specified for group 'neurongroup', using method 'exact' (took 1.29s). [brian2.stateupdaters.base.method_choice]
CPU times: total: 2.62 s
Wall time: 21.9 s
We’re gonna try a brian trick to try and speed up the simulation: instead of 6500 separate Poisson spike trains, simulate most of them (except a few that we want to use for conntesting) as one process. (One for exc and one for inh, to be precise).
μₓ = 4 * Hz
σ = sqrt(0.6)
μ = log(μₓ / Hz) - σ**2 / 2
we = 14 * pS
wi = 4 * we
T = 10*second;
def Nto1_all_simmed(N = 6500):
Ne = N * 4//5
n = COBA_AdEx_neuron()
rates = lognormal(μ, σ, N) * Hz
P = PoissonGroup(N, rates)
Se = Synapses(P, n, on_pre="ge += we")
Si = Synapses(P, n, on_pre="gi += wi")
Se.connect("i < Ne")
Si.connect("i >= Ne")
M = StateMonitor(n, ["V"], record=[0])
S = SpikeMonitor(n)
SP = SpikeMonitor(P)
objs = [n, P, Se, Si, M, S, SP]
return *objs, Network(objs)
*objs, net = Nto1_all_simmed();
CPU times: total: 3.16 s
Wall time: 13.4 s
net.run(T, report='text')
Starting simulation at t=0. s for a duration of 10. s
8.7345 s (87%) simulated in 10s, estimated 1s remaining.
10. s (100%) simulated in 11s
CPU times: total: 16.6 s
Wall time: 58.9 s
(Most recent measurements later on, below)
So, 19 s for the sim itself,
29 s for the whole thing, i.e. setup took 10 seconds (initial compilation, ig).
..that compil gets cached though. Second time: no init time at all.
(Neither at run
time or at the objs creation time).
2nd try, other day: 51 s for whole sim.
(total of block: 53.5 s).
3rd try, this same day: 58 s for whole sim.
(weird, nothin shoulda changed, why 2+ x slower)
1.32 s wall time for
41.3 s wall time for
39 s reported sim time
41.3 + 1.32 - 39
Ah, but that’s with compilation cached.
# clear_cache('cython')
# We get
# PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\\Users\\tfiers\\.cython\\brian_extensions\\_cython_magic_0a4e0f53cb16102c85c1c560171fcda1.cp311-win_amd64.pyd'
So, deleting manually then.
Ok the dir is in use by a python.exe process. Guess it’s this one? Yep.
2023-08-14, after clearing cython cache dir:
49.3 s s wall time for
)3min 25 s (205 s) wall time for
41 s reported sim time
205 + 49.3 - 41
# clear_cache('cython')
# (Same permissionerror). Maybe after restarting nb? Yep, that works.
# (It just rms entire ~/.cython/brian_extensions)
2023-08-14, with clearing cython cache, but after the small cache warmup above (which took 21.9 wall time):
38.4 s s wall time for
)3min 25 s (205 s) wall time for
(yes, same)38 s reported sim time
205 + 38.4 - 38
Ok, so warmup didn’t do lots!
What about, if we now run the below, with the current cache?
2023-08-15 (w/ CPU in best performance mode (not battery saver). Cython cache cleared, no warmup net):
13.4 s s wall time for
)58.9 s wall time for
11 s reported sim time
+ PoissonInput
s (merged)¶
def Nto1_merged(N = 6500, Ne_simmed = 100):
Ni_simmed = Ne_simmed
Ne = N * 4//5
Ni = N - Ne
Ne_merged = Ne - Ne_simmed
Ni_merged = Ni - Ni_simmed
N_simmed = Ne_simmed + Ni_simmed
print(f"{Ne=}, {Ni=}, {N_simmed=}, {Ne_merged=}, {Ni_merged=}")
n = COBA_AdEx_neuron()
rates = lognormal(μ, σ, N_simmed) * Hz
P = PoissonGroup(N_simmed, rates)
Se = Synapses(P, n, on_pre="ge += we")
Si = Synapses(P, n, on_pre="gi += wi")
Se.connect("i < Ne_simmed")
Si.connect("i >= Ne_simmed")
PIe = PoissonInput(n, 'ge', Ne_merged, μₓ, we)
PIi = PoissonInput(n, 'gi', Ni_merged, μₓ, wi);
M = StateMonitor(n, ["V"], record=[0])
S = SpikeMonitor(n)
SP = SpikeMonitor(P)
objs = [n, P, Se, Si, PIe, PIi, M, S, SP]
return *objs, Network(objs)
*objs_m, net_m = Nto1_merged()
Ne=5200, Ni=1300, N_simmed=200, Ne_merged=5100, Ni_merged=1200
CPU times: total: 2.69 s
Wall time: 12.9 s
net_m.run(T, report='text')
Starting simulation at t=0. s for a duration of 10. s
7.0019 s (70%) simulated in 10s, estimated 4s remaining.
10. s (100%) simulated in 11s
CPU times: total: 20.3 s
Wall time: 1min 24s
[old measurments]:
29 s for 10”.
whole block: 64 sec.
And again, this same other day: 27 s.
So, speedup of that PInput:
(51+58) / (27 + 29)
2x. worth the extra complexity? eh, sure.
Otoh, what do when less than 6500 inputs. Say, 100 inh, 400 exc. Or, 10 inh, 40 exc. (ok, sol is simple, you take max)
2023-08-14, after clearing cython cache:
47.2 s wall time for
)3 min 35 s (215 s) wall time for
20 s reported sim time
Maybe we should compile a small other network, to warm up that cython cache.
(Did that for first network, see above)
2023-08-14, with above two nets (the warmup, and the all_simmed) in cache:
38.1 s s wall time for
)3min 25 s (205 s) wall time for
(yes, same, again)19 s reported sim time
So again, having the other (all_simmed) net in cache, didn’t help very much here.
2023-08-15 (w/ CPU in best performance mode (not battery saver). Cython cache cleared, no warmup net):
12.9 s s wall time for
)84 s wall time for
11 s reported sim time (yes same as all_simmed, now)
How ‘bout Julia?
See notebook 2023-08-02__Julia_speedtest_AdEx_Nto1
Simulating all 6500 inputs for 10 seconds, we have a sim time of 0.7 seconds.
(10 minutes takes 9 seconds).
I.e. 25x as fast as Brian2 w/ Cython (18 sec).
What about Brian’s standalone mode? i.e. no python for main loop; generate a C++ proj.
(does that work with changing params in a loop? (i.e. seed, we))
See 2023-08-02__speedtest_brian_standalone_AdEx_Nto1
Also < 1 sec.
With time ./main.exe
: ~0.5 seconds.
Note that that is the one w/ merged inputs.
Without: 8 seconds. Interesting.