2020-07-29 • Spike-triggered averaging
2020-07-29 • Spike-triggered averaging¶
Imports & time grid¶
from voltage_to_wiring_sim.notebook_init import *
Imported `np`, `mpl`, `plt
Imported package `voltage_to_wiring_sim` as `v`
Imported `*` from `v.util` and from `v.units`
Setup autoreload
Reproducibility info. This notebook was last run on/with:
Fri Sep 18 2020 16:20:11 GMT Daylight Time
CPython 3.8.3
IPython 7.13.0
compiler : MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)
system : Windows
release : 10
machine : AMD64
processor : Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
CPU cores : 4
interpreter: 64bit
host name : LABTOP
Git hash : 9c7601d2014af6a784b77617029044aebff5d611
Git repo : git@github.com:tfiers/voltage-to-wiring-sim.git
Git branch : main
tg = v.TimeGrid(T=10*minute, dt=0.1*ms);
Spike trains¶
‘Network’ definition.
N_in = 30
p_connected = 0.5
N_connected = round(N_in * p_connected)
N_unconnected = N_in - N_connected
Have all incoming neurons spike with the same mean frequency, for now.
f_spike = 20 * Hz;
gen_st = v.generate_Poisson_spike_train
spike_trains_connected = [gen_st(tg, f_spike) for _ in range(N_connected)]
spike_trains_unconnected = [gen_st(tg, f_spike) for _ in range(N_unconnected)];
Wall time: 3.22 s
This takes a while.
Most time is spent in numpy’s random()
, which is a highly optimized function. Ergo, the implementation of the algorithm is not to blame.
We could cache spike trains.
Or, we could maybe directly generate spike times (instead of looping over all timebins), with sampling from uniform(0, T)
. This should also generate Poisson spike trains, no? #todo: check
all_spike_trains = spike_trains_connected + spike_trains_unconnected;
Inspect a time excerpt..
time_slice = 1 * minute + [0, 1] * second
slice_indices = np.round(time_slice / tg.dt).astype(int)
i_slice = slice(*slice_indices)
t_slice = tg.t[i_slice].in_units(second);
..of one presynaptic neuron:
v.spike_train.plot(t_slice, all_spike_trains[0][i_slice]);
All connected presynaptic neurons:
all_incoming_spikes = sum(spike_trains_connected)
v.spike_train.plot(t_slice, all_incoming_spikes[i_slice]);
Note that some time bins contain more than one spike.
(The simulator handles this, by increasing synaptic conductance by an integer multiple of Δg_syn
in that timebin).
Synaptic conductance¶
See the previous notebook /notebooks/2020-07-27__Synaptic_conductances for some more explanation.
Δg_syn = 0.8 * nS
τ_syn = 7 * ms;
g_syn = v.calc_synaptic_conductance(
tg, all_incoming_spikes, Δg_syn, τ_syn)
plt.plot(t_slice, g_syn[i_slice]);
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:219: RuntimeWarning: numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 192 from C header, got 216 from PyObject
Membrane voltage¶
params = v.params.cortical_RS
C = 100 pF
k = 0.7 nS/mV
v_r = -60 mV
v_t = -40 mV
v_peak = 35 mV
a = 0.03 1/ms
b = -2 nS
c = -50 mV
d = 100 pA
v_syn = 0 mV
sim = v.simulate_izh_neuron(tg, params, g_syn)
Wall time: 3.47 s
plt.plot(t_slice, sim.V_m[i_slice]);
As in /notebooks/2020-07-06__Single_neuron_sim.
SNR = 10
spike_height = params.v_peak - params.v_r
σ_noise = spike_height / SNR
noise = np.random.randn(tg.N) * σ_noise
Vm_noisy = (sim.V_m + noise).in_units(mV)
Vm_noisy.name = 'VI signal'
plt.plot(t_slice, Vm_noisy[i_slice]);
Spike-triggered windows¶
def get_spike_indices(spike_train):
# `nonzero` returns a tuple (one element for each array dimension).
(spike_indices,) = np.nonzero(spike_train)
return spike_indices
Test with one spike train
spike_train__example = all_spike_trains[0]
spike_indices__example = get_spike_indices(spike_train__example)
num_spikes__example = len(spike_indices__example)
Spiking frequency for this presynaptic neuron:
print(Quantity(num_spikes__example / tg.T, Hz))
20.03 Hz
That’s to spec.
Extract windows from the VI signal.
window_length = 100 * ms
window_tg = v.TimeGrid(window_length, tg.dt)
window_tg.t.name = "Time after spike"
def make_windows(spike_indices):
windows = []
for ix in spike_indices:
ix_end = ix + window_tg.N
if ix_end < tg.N:
windows = np.stack(windows)
return Array(windows, V, name=Vm_noisy.name).in_units(mV)
windows__example = make_windows(spike_indices__example)
(12019, 1000)
Note that there are generally a few less windows than spikes. This happens when the last few spikes occur too close to the end of the simulation to fit complete windows after them.
An example spike-triggered window:
plt.plot(window_tg.t, windows__example[0,:]);
And some more:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True)
for row, row_axes in enumerate(axes):
for col, ax in enumerate(row_axes):
i = 3*row + col
ax.plot(window_tg.t, windows__example[i,:])
if not(row == 2 and col == 0):
ax.set(xlabel=None, ylabel=None)
Note that the windows overlap considerably. (We see the same postsynaptic spikes here multiple times).
This is to be expected, as the mean time between a presynaptic spike..
print(Quantity(1 / f_spike).in_units(ms))
50 ms
.. is shorter than the window length.
100 ms
Average windows¶
def STA(spike_train):
spike_indices = get_spike_indices(spike_train)
windows = make_windows(spike_indices)
STA = windows.mean(axis=0)
return Array(STA, V, name="Spike-triggered <VI signal>").in_units(mV)
def plot_STA(spike_train, ax=None, **kwargs):
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(window_tg.t, STA(spike_train), **kwargs)
Plot average windows of all spike trains¶
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for spike_train in spike_trains_connected:
plot_STA(spike_train, ax, alpha=0.2, color='C0')
for spike_train in spike_trains_unconnected:
plot_STA(spike_train, ax, alpha=0.2, color='C1')
Wall time: 45.3 s
(Again, takes a while. Might possibly be sped up using LineCollection).
# Clear existing texts, for iterative positioning.
for _ in range(len(ax.texts)):
ax.annotate("Spikes from\nconnected neurons",
xy=(26.55*ms, 0.8), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'),
color="C0", ha="left")
ax.annotate("Spikes from\nunconnected neurons",
xy=(70*ms, 0.5), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'),
color="C1", ha="center")
[Make this figure re-usable (‘transcludable’) in other notebooks]:
from myst_nb import glue
glue("first_STAs_fig", fig, display=False)
Next steps: describe influence of N_in
, p_connected
, ..