2020-12-30 • Test connection of all incoming neurons

In the previous notebooks (/notebooks/2020-11-27__permutation_test and /notebooks/2020-11-30__speedup__spike_indices) we have tested the connection to the simulated neuron of just one of the 30 generated spike trains .

Here we test the connection of all spike trains.


from voltage_to_wiring_sim.support.notebook_init import *
 - numpy … (0.10 s)
 - matplotlib.pyplot … (0.22 s)
 - numba … (0.30 s)

Importing from submodules (compiling numba functions) … ✔

Imported `np`, `mpl`, `plt`
Imported codebase (`voltage_to_wiring_sim`) as `v`
Imported `*` from `v.support.units`
Setup autoreload

This cell was last run by tfiers on yoga
on Wed 30 Dec 2020, at 18:16 (UTC+0100).

Last git commit (Wed 30 Dec 2020, 18:16).

No uncommitted changes

Simulation duration & timestep.

tg = v.TimeGrid(
    duration = 10 * minute,
    timestep = 0.1 * ms

A short time slice to visualise a zoomed in part of the generated signals.

zoom_range = 1 * minute + np.array([0, 1]) * second

zoom_range_indices = np.round(zoom_range / tg.timestep).astype(int)
i_zoom = slice(*zoom_range_indices)
t_zoom = tg.time[i_zoom];

1. Biology model

Spike trains

N_in = 30
p_connected = 0.5

N_connected = round(N_in * p_connected)
N_unconnected = N_in - N_connected
f_spike = 20 * Hz;
spike_trains_connected = [v.generate_Poisson_spikes(f_spike, tg.duration) for _ in range(N_connected)]
spike_trains_unconnected = [v.generate_Poisson_spikes(f_spike, tg.duration) for _ in range(N_unconnected)]
all_spike_trains = spike_trains_connected + spike_trains_unconnected
all_incoming_spikes = np.concatenate(spike_trains_connected);
v.spike_trains.plot(all_spike_trains[0], zoom_range);
v.spike_trains.plot(all_incoming_spikes, zoom_range);

Synaptic conductance

Δg_syn = 0.8 * nS
τ_syn = 7 * ms;
g_syn = v.calc_synaptic_conductance(tg, all_incoming_spikes, Δg_syn, τ_syn);
plt.plot(t_zoom / second, g_syn[i_zoom] / nS);

Membrane voltage

params = v.params.cortical_RS
     C = 1E-10
     k = 7E-07
   v_r = -0.06
   v_t = -0.04
v_peak = 0.035
     a = 30
     b = -2E-09
     c = -0.05
     d = 1E-10
 v_syn = 0
sim = v.simulate_izh_neuron(tg, params, g_syn);
plt.plot(t_zoom / second, sim.V_m[i_zoom] / mV);

2. Imaging model

VI_signal = v.add_VI_noise(sim.V_m, params);
plt.plot(t_zoom / second, VI_signal[i_zoom] / mV);

3. Connection detection

Permutation test for each generated spike train (using height of average spike-triggered window as test statistic):

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm as time_loop

test_data, test_summaries = [], []

for spike_train in time_loop(all_spike_trains):
    test_data_, test_summary = (
            window_duration=100 * ms,

Example results

def show_test_results(spike_train_nr: int):

..for two connected neurons:

            p_value = 0.01
       p_value_type = '<'
relative_STA_height = 3.565
            p_value = 0.01
       p_value_type = '<'
relative_STA_height = 3.663

and an unconnected neuron:

            p_value = 0.85
       p_value_type = '='
relative_STA_height = 0.8996

Note that “STA height” is defined as the difference between the maximum and the minimum of the average spike-triggered VI signal window.

Distribution of p-values

p_values = [test_summary.p_value for test_summary in test_summaries];
import seaborn as sns

ax = sns.distplot(p_values, kde=False, bins=100)
ax.set(xlabel="p-value", ylabel="nr. of spike trains")
ax.axvline(0.05, color='black', lw=0.5);

One unconnected spike train almost reaches the (arbitrary) p-value threshold of 0.05 for classification as being connected.

Which spike train is it?

min([(spike_train_nr, p_value)
     for spike_train_nr, p_value in enumerate(p_values)
     if p_value > 0.01],
    key=lambda tup: tup[1])
(20, 0.07)
            p_value = 0.07
       p_value_type = '='
relative_STA_height = 1.156

Distribution of relative STA heights

relative_STA_height is defined as the height of the original spike train’s STA window divided by the mean height of the shuffled spike train’s STA windows. This is their distribution over the different connected & unconnected spike trains:

ax = sns.distplot([test_summary.relative_STA_height for test_summary in test_summaries],
                  kde=False, bins=30, rug=True)
ax.set(xlabel="Original vs shuffled STA height", ylabel="nr. of spike trains in bin");

The connected & unconnected spike trains can be clearly separated.

Reproducibility info


This cell was last run by tfiers on yoga
on Wed 30 Dec 2020, at 18:17 (UTC+0100).

Last git commit (Wed 30 Dec 2020, 18:16).

Uncommited changes to:

 M notebooks/2020_12_30__test_all_connections.ipynb


CPython 3.8.3 (C:\conda\python.exe)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz

Dependencies of voltage_to_wiring_sim and their installed versions:

numpy                1.19.2
matplotlib           3.3.2
numba                0.51.2
seaborn              0.10.1
scipy                1.5.2
scikit-learn         0.23.2
preload              2.1
py-cpuinfo           7.0.0
nptyping             1.3.0
tqdm                 4.55.0