2022-02-21 • Image, window, test
2022-02-21 • Image, window, test¶
The simulation code of the previous notebook has been added to pkg/VoltageToMap/src/
, and is imported below.
Params & sim¶
Short warm-up run. Get compilation out of the way.
p0 = SimParams(
poisson_input = small_N__as_in_Python_2021,
sim_duration = 1*minutes
@time sim(p0);
2.684890 seconds (7.23 M allocations: 482.248 MiB, 5.31% gc time, 93.64% compilation time)
p = SimParams(
poisson_input = realistic_input,
sim_duration = 10*minutes,
Δg_multiplier = 0.066,
dump(p) # more descriptive (names, not just values) but also taking more space.
sim_duration: Float64 600.0
Δt: Float64 0.0001
num_timesteps: Int64 6000000
poisson_input: PoissonInputParams
N_unconn: Int64 100
N_exc: Int64 5200
N_inh: Int64 1300
N_conn: Int64 6500
N: Int64 6600
spike_rate: Distributions.LogNormal{Float64}
μ: Float64 1.0862943611198905
σ: Float64 0.7745966692414834
synapses: SynapseParams
g_t0: Float64 0.0
τ_s: Float64 0.007
E_exc: Float64 0.0
E_inh: Float64 -0.065
Δg_exc: Float64 4.0000000000000007e-10
Δg_inh: Float64 1.6000000000000003e-9
izh_neuron: IzhNeuronParams
C: Float64 1.0e-10
k: Float64 7.0e-7
vr: Float64 -0.06
vt: Float64 -0.04
a: Float64 30.0
b: Float64 -2.0e-9
v_peak: Float64 0.035
v_reset: Float64 -0.05
Δu: Float64 1.0e-10
v_t0: Float64 -0.06
u_t0: Float64 0.0
Δg_multiplier: Float64 0.066
seed: Int64 2022
t, v, input_spikes = @time sim(p);
Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:02:51mmm9mmmm9mmmmm
173.195922 seconds (24.14 M allocations: 2.302 GiB, 0.28% gc time, 1.40% compilation time)
num_spikes = length.(input_spikes)
ComponentVector{Int64}(conn = (exc = [931, 526, 658, 1256, 1091, 381, 622, 356, 877, 854 … 1133, 621, 575, 861, 717, 654, 887, 1198, 849, 895], inh = [887, 898, 816, 637, 1227, 1076, 1096, 634, 538, 518 … 569, 1182, 721, 882, 1271, 984, 793, 769, 333, 1259]), unconn = [1404, 881, 992, 1227, 951, 632, 1242, 1004, 810, 716 … 518, 309, 1253, 617, 1221, 646, 1502, 1047, 693, 586])
import PyPlot
using Sciplotlib
""" tzoom = [200ms, 600ms] e.g. """
function plotsig(t, sig, tzoom = nothing; ax = nothing, clip_on=false, kw...)
isnothing(tzoom) && (tzoom = t[[1, end]])
izoom = first(tzoom) .≤ t .≤ last(tzoom)
if isnothing(ax)
plot(t[izoom], sig[izoom]; clip_on, kw...)
plot(t[izoom], sig[izoom], ax; clip_on, kw...)
plotsig(t, v/mV, [0s, 4seconds], xlabel="Time (s)", hylabel="mV");
Imaging noise¶
izh_params = cortical_RS
imaging_spike_SNR #=::Float64=# = 20
spike_height #=::Float64=# = izh_params.v_peak - izh_params.vr
σ_noise #=::Float64=# = spike_height / imaging_spike_SNR;
noise = randn(length(v)) * σ_noise
vimsig = v + noise;
ax = plotsig(t, vimsig / mV, [200ms,1200ms], xlabel="Time (s)", hylabel="mV", alpha=0.7);
plotsig(t, v / mV, [200ms,1200ms], xlabel="Time (s)", hylabel="mV"; ax);
window_duration #=::Float64=# = 100 * ms;
const Δt = p.Δt
const win_size = round(Int, window_duration / Δt)
const t_win = linspace(zero(window_duration), window_duration, win_size)
function calc_STA(presynaptic_spikes)
STA = zeros(eltype(vimsig), win_size)
win_starts = round.(Int, presynaptic_spikes / Δt)
num_wins = 0
for a in win_starts
b = a + win_size - 1
if b ≤ lastindex(vimsig)
STA .+= @view vimsig[a:b]
num_wins += 1
STA ./= num_wins
return STA
function plotSTA(presynspikes)
STA = calc_STA(presynspikes)
plot(t_win/ms, STA/mV)
presynspikes = input_spikes.conn.exc[44]
Test connection¶
num_shuffles #=::Int =# = 100;
to_ISIs(spiketimes) = [first(spiketimes); diff(spiketimes)] # copying
to_spiketimes!(ISIs) = cumsum!(ISIs, ISIs) # in place
(presynspikes |> to_ISIs |> to_spiketimes!) ≈ presynspikes # test
shuffle_ISIs(spiketimes) = to_spiketimes!(shuffle!(to_ISIs(spiketimes)));
test_statistic(spiketimes) = spiketimes |> calc_STA |> mean;
Note difference with 2021: there it was peak-to-peak (max - min). Here it is mean.
function test_connection(presynspikes)
real_t = test_statistic(presynspikes)
shuffled_t = Vector{typeof(real_t)}(undef, num_shuffles)
for i in eachindex(shuffled_t)
shuffled_t[i] = test_statistic(shuffle_ISIs(presynspikes))
N_shuffled_larger = count(shuffled_t .> real_t)
return if N_shuffled_larger == 0
p_value = 1 / num_shuffles
p_value = N_shuffled_larger / num_shuffles
num_trains = 40
println("Average p(shuffled trains with higher STA mean).")
println("(N = $(num_trains) input spike trains per category)")
p_exc = Float64[]
p_inh = Float64[]
p_unconn = Float64[]
for (groupname, spiketrains, pvals) in (
("excitatory", input_spikes.conn.exc, p_exc),
("inhibitory", input_spikes.conn.inh, p_inh),
("unconnected", input_spikes.unconn, p_unconn),
for spiketrain in spiketrains[1:num_trains]
push!(pvals, test_connection(spiketrain))
print("."); flush(stdout)
@printf "%12s: %.3g\n" groupname mean(pvals)
Average p(shuffled trains with higher mean).
(N = 40 input spike trains per category)
........................................ excitatory: 0.416
........................................ inhibitory: 0.716
........................................ unconnected: 0.508
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3.4,3))
function plotdot(y, x, c, jitter=0.28)
N = length(y)
x -= 0.35
plot(x*ones(N) + (rand(N).-0.5)*jitter, y, "o", color=c, ms=4.2, markerfacecolor="none", clip_on=false)
plot(x+0.35, mean(y), "k.", ms=10)
plotdot(p_exc, 1, "C2"); ax.text(1-0.16, -0.1, "excitatory"; color="C2", ha="center")
plotdot(p_unconn, 2, "C0"); ax.text(2-0.16, -0.1, "unconnected"; color="C0", ha="center")
plotdot(p_inh, 3, "C1"); ax.text(3-0.16, -0.1, "inhibitory"; color="C1", ha="center")
ax.boxplot([p_exc, p_unconn, p_inh], widths=0.2, medianprops=Dict("color"=>"black"))
set(ax, xlim=(0.33, 3.3), ylim=(0, 1), xaxis=:off)
hylabel(ax, L"p(\, \mathrm{shuffled\ \overline{STA}} \ > \ \mathrm{actual\ \overline{STA}}\, )"; dy=10);
Proportion of shuffled spike trains for which mean(STA)
is higher than the unshuffled spike train.
Excitatory (green), unconnected (blue), and inhibitory (orange) input neurons.
10-minute simulation with a total of 6500 connected input neurons.