2022-09-29 • Summary of two-pass conntest
2022-09-29 • Summary of two-pass conntest¶
This notebook is a summary of the previous one,
where all its new code has consolidated in the codebase (see github, pkg/VoltoMapSim/src/
using MyToolbox
using VoltoMapSim
[ Info: Precompiling VoltoMapSim [f713100b-c48c-421a-b480-5fcb4c589a9e]
p = get_params(
duration = 10minutes,
p_conn = 0.04,
g_EE = 1,
g_EI = 1,
g_IE = 4,
g_II = 4,
ext_current = Normal(-0.5 * pA/√seconds, 5 * pA/√seconds),
E_inh = -80 * mV,
record_v = [1:40; 801:810],
Load STA’s¶
(They’re precalculated).
out = cached_STAs(p);
Loading cached output from `C:\Users\tfiers\.phdcache\calc_all_STAs\b9353bdd11d8b8cb.jld2` … done (10.9 s)
(conns, STAs, shuffled_STAs) = out;
Base.summarysize(out) / GB
# Print info on output of `get_connection_to_test()`
function summarize_conns_to_test(ctt)
n_post = length(unique(ctt.post))
println("We test ", nrow(ctt), " putative input connections to ", n_post, " neurons.")
n(typ) = count(ctt.conntype .== typ)
println(n(:exc), " of those connections are excitatory, ", n(:inh), " are inhibitory, ",
"and the remaining ", n(:unconn), " are non-connections.")
We test 3906 putative input connections to 50 neurons.
1515 of those connections are excitatory, 391 are inhibitory, and the remaining 2000 are non-connections.
First peak-to-peak, strict alpha of 0.01 (tc_ptp
Then correlate with found average exc STA, alpha 0.05 (tc_corr
testall(f; α) = test_conns(f, conns, STAs, shuffled_STAs; α);
tc_ptp = testall(test_conn__ptp, α = 0.01);
Testing connections: 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01
function summarize_test_results(tc, typ)
pm = perfmeasures(tc)
println(pm.num_pred[typ], " $typ connections found. ", fmt_pct(pm.precision[typ]), " of those are correct.")
println("The correct $typ detections make up ", fmt_pct(pm.sensitivity[typ]), " of all true $typ connections.")
summarize_test_results(tc_ptp, :exc)
845 exc connections found. 93% of those are correct.
The correct exc detections make up 52% of all true exc connections.
avg_ptp_exc_STA = mean(STAs[conn.pre => conn.post] for conn in eachrow(tc_ptp) if conn.predtype == :exc);
tc_corr = testall(test_conn__corr $ (; template = avg_ptp_exc_STA), α = 0.05);
Testing connections: 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:07
function summarize_test_results(tc)
summarize_test_results(tc, :exc)
summarize_test_results(tc, :inh)
summarize_test_results(tc, :unconn)
1374 exc connections found. 90% of those are correct.
The correct exc detections make up 82% of all true exc connections.
529 inh connections found. 69% of those are correct.
The correct inh detections make up 94% of all true inh connections.
2003 unconn connections found. 85% of those are correct.
The correct unconn detections make up 85% of all true unconn connections.
Tested connections: 3906 | ||||||
┌─────── | Real type | ───────┐ | Precision | |||
unconn | exc | inh | ||||
┌ | unconn | 1704 | 274 | 25 | 85% | |
Predicted type | exc | 139 | 1235 | 0 | 90% | |
└ | inh | 157 | 6 | 366 | 69% | |
Sensitivity | 85% | 82% | 94% |