Working with Graphs.jl
PkgGraph does not depend on any of the packages from JuliaGraphs.
However, you can easily convert the list of package dependencies to a type that supports the Graphs.jl interface. You are then able to use the ecosystem's powerful set of graph analysis tools. See PkgGraph.as_graphsjl_input
For an example of using Graphs.jl functions on a package dependency DAG, see test/graphsjl_interop.jl
, where we analyze the dependency graph of Tests
This is a summary of that file:
using Graphs
edges = PkgGraph.depgraph("Test")
packages = PkgGraph.vertices(edges)
node = PkgGraph.node_index(edges)
A = PkgGraph.adjacency_matrix(edges)
# Or, more efficiently:
packages, node, A = PkgGraph.as_graphsjl_input(edges)
g = DiGraph(A)
@test outdegree(g, node("Test")) == 4
@test indegree(g, node("Test")) == 0
ds = dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, node("Test"))
# some wrangling & formatting, and we get:
Distance from Test to …
Test: 0
InteractiveUtils: 1
Markdown: 2
Random: 1
Base64: 3
Logging: 1
SHA: 2
Serialization: 1